Day 8 Siler and Wayah

Writing from another shelter, after hiking another 18.5 miles with excellent weather. Listening to barred owls in the distance. I slept fine last night. Not good, not bad. But to be honest, for as cold as it was I’ll count that as a win. The only other person in the shelter was a lady who was planning on getting off trail due to an Achilles tendon issue. We hung her food bag for her since she wasn’t planning on hanging it herself. I understand being injured but I still think bear safety is incredibly important. You know what’s worse than an Achilles strain? Being mauled by a bear. Now as I’ve previously said, bears are not a serious danger in the northeast but that doesn’t mean you should increase your chances of a negative bear encounter. Especially not at a shelter where you aren’t the only person staying. We had a slower start to the day, only really getting on trail at like 8:30. The morning was very cold, and was below freezing until almost noon. However, we real...