Day 118 Fording Rivers

Today we forded 4 rivers and hiked 26 miles in 90 degree heat. 

I slept very well last night, pretty much straight through the night. We woke up at 6:30 and started hiking around 8. 

We had a couple decent views from the Pleasant Pond ridge before dropping down into the valley. 

We spent most of the day just hiking through the woods. Occasionally there would be mud or roots or rocks, but overall it was pretty simple. 

Before climbing our only mountain for the day we passed Moxie Pond. 

Then we climbed up Moxie Bald Mountain. On the way up the trail went through some really cool rock formations and caves. 

The top of Moxie Bald had a couple good views. 

After Moxie Bald we spent pretty much the next 18 miles hiking through woods. 

The only remaining excitement for the day were the river fords. None of them were dangerous, but we had to walk through the river to get to the trail on the other side. We forded Bald Mountain Stream, Marble Brook, and the East and West branches of the Piscataquis River. 

To finish off the day we hiked along Lake Hebron.

After a tiring, buggy, and hot day, my mom and sister Shelby picked us up and brought us to an AirBnB for the night. They made us burgers for dinner and got a resupply for us. The support is really helpful as we prepare for the last leg of our journey. Thank you so much Mom and Shelby!!! 

Tomorrow we will sleep in and eat breakfast then hike around 17 miles, beginning the 100 Mile Wilderness. I’ll explain what that is tomorrow. 

Good night,



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