Day 93 Vermud
Today we left Mass and entered Vermont.
I didn’t sleep well last night, just had a hard time staying comfortable. I woke up around 6:30 and we started hiking around 7:45.
We began the morning by hiking up the highest point in Mass, Mt Greylock. On the way up we passed through subalpine climate, which is small hemlocks and softwoods, with very unique underbrush and a lot of mountain laurels. This section is the only subalpine zone in Mass.
Greylock is around 3500 feet tall and had the best views we’ve seen in weeks. Unfortunately the tower was closed and didn’t open at 9:30AM as listed.
After waiting a half hour for the tower to open we continued our hike by descending down into Williamstown MA for lunch and a resupply. We walked a half mile into town and bought a couple days of food from Stop and Shop. We then went and got a burger and charged our phones. We were back to hiking by 2. Our first landmark was the 1,600 mile mark.
We then hiked up to a ridge and had our last good view in Mass.
Then we entered Vermont.
Vermont has a reputation for being muddy, so many thru hikers call it Vermud. It definitely lived up to its reputation today. Often the mud has rocks or sticks you can walk across to avoid sinking in.
We passed by several ponds and swamps. We saw our first moose tracks near the wetlands.
The last three miles of the day were very long for some reason. We hiked 23 miles total but the last three miles really dragged. We made it to the shelter around 7:20 and I jerry rigged my tent as a bug net inside the shelter. The mosquitoes are pretty bad here.
Tomorrow we are planning on hiking around 23 miles.
If you want to follow Spencer, here is his log:
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