Day 109 Goodbye New Hampshire

Today we finished New Hampshire and entered Maine. 

I slept amazingly well last night. I slept in until 7. Lori made us a huge pancake breakfast which was awesome as expected. We are so grateful for all the support through the Whites! It made an incredible section of trail even more awesome and memorable! Thank you Lori!

After eating almost too much, Lori dropped us off at the trail and we began our 17 mile day a little before 9:30AM.

Very quickly we crossed the 1,900 mile mark. 

Then we crossed the Androscoggin on a bridge. 

For most of the day we had mist and light rain. We had a gentle climb up to the ridge that we would walk for the rest of the day. 

Before lunch we had a couple decent views through the clouds. 

We passed many swamps and ponds. We started section of the AT that coincided with the Mahoosuc trail, which has been very swampy so far. At points we had perfectly blue sky, then the clouds and occasional rain would return.

We had a few more good views on the ridge before beginning to climb the last mountain in NH, Mt Success. 

Just before the summit of Mt Success was a side trail to the site of a plane crash from the 60’s. Most of the plane is still there. 

From the plane crash we quickly made it to the top of Mt Success. The peak is very odd. For one it has good views. It is also a bog for miles, which is very strange for a mountain top. 

Just after Mt Success we crossed into Maine! It’s crazy to be in our last state. We also planned out our last few resupplies and a tentative plan for reaching Katahdin on Sunday June 22nd. It’s crazy to only have 2 weeks left, have a plan to make it to the end, and be this close to finishing the trail. 

On our way into camp a thick fog rolled in. The dense Maine woods had a very mystical and somewhat ominous feeling. 

We made it to camp around 8 and set up in the shelter. We met another thru hiker and a section hiker. We talked for a while, mostly about other hikers who we all have met, and where we think they are on the trail. 

Tomorrow we will hike the hardest mile of the AT, the Mahoosuc Mile. They say it’s the hardest because it is the steepest, going up 1,500 feet in a mile. To make matters worse, the Mahoosuc ridge is rife with large boulders and slabs, many of which have large cracks and caves. The boulders make hiking very slow. I’ll be curious to see how tomorrow goes. We should have good weather, high 60’s and partially cloudy. 




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