Day 112 Goodbyes

Today we had to leave our friends behind but we had some decent views and a pretty chill 20 mile hike. 

I slept very well in my tent last night. I hadn’t used my tent in a few nights because we’d been inside or in a shelter. I like my tent a lot more than a shelter. It just feels like I have my own space and I’m not concerned about waking anyone else up. 

We got up and we’re hiking around 8. Cricket and Grape passed us before we started hiking. Cricket said she woke up with a cold. We hiked up Moody Mountain but didn’t have much for views since it was foggy. 

After dropping down from Moody, we met Cricket and Grape at a road crossing. They said they had decided to go into a hostel for the rest of the day so Cricket can recover from her cold. We took a picture together and said good luck, not really sure if we will see each other on trail again. 

After leaving our friends we hiked up Old Blue Mountain. Near the peak we had some cool woods, but the peak was wooded, so there weren’t any views. 

We walked a ridge after Old Blue peak that had tons of blowdowns. All of the fallen trees slowed us down a good bit. 

The ridge eventually hit a couple peaks of Bemis Mountain. The sun finally came out and we had some great views. 

We dropped down from the ridge and crossed a couple streams, one of which had a very precarious log crossing. 

We then hiked up to Rt17 which had fantastic views and a nice bench where we sat and enjoyed the overlook.

Then we hiked the last few miles of the day and pitched our tents next to a pond. The pond has loons on it, which will be awesome to listen to tonight as we fall asleep.

Good night,



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