Day 120 2,100 Miles

Today we crossed 2,100 miles and had an amazing sunset to end the day. 

I slept really well last night. We were next to a large stream that gave excellent background noise. We woke up at 6:30 AM and we’re hiking just after 7:40 AM. 

We began the morning by climbing Barren mountain. At the beginning of the ascent, we crossed the 2100 mile mark. It’s crazy that this is our last 100 mile marker.

There was a short fire tower on the top of Barren Mountain with only a ladder. They had removed the top structure due to safety concerns. We climbed about halfway up the ladder and enjoyed a nice view. Unfortunelty I forgot to take pictures.

After Barren mountain we walked a ridge that had great views of the 100 mile wilderness around us. The woods between the views were very nice as well.

We walked through a bog that was notable for containing a carnivorous flower called a purple picture plant. The bog itself was a cedar bog, which was pretty cool.


We were surprised to pass a plane crash. It was a smaller plane that crashed back in the 80s. I believe both people in the plane survived. 

Before dropping down off the ridge, we had a couple more good views and cool forests. It’s cool being reminded of how remote this section of Maine is, there isn’t a house in site.

Then we dropped down to our only ford for the day, the West branch of the Pleasant River. It was an easy crossing. We got here around 5:30 PM, so we decided to eat dinner.

To finish off the last 7 miles of the day, we gradually hiked up Gulf Hagas Mountain. At the base of the mountain was a stand of old growth, pine trees. They are supposed to be around 200 years old and can reach up to 100 feet tall.

We reached the top of Gulf Hagas right as the sun was setting. The summit tree covered, but we could still see the incredible sunset.

We got to camp late just after Gulf Hagas, around 9 o’clock. Today’s 24 miles weren’t particularly hard, but it still took us a while. Tomorrow we will hike our last mountains before Katahdin. 

Good night, 



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